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Writer's picturePosie Photography

A Thousand "Thank Yous!"

Almost two weeks ago I launched the Posie "Pop up!" - a mobile extension to Posie Photography LTD. What a rollercoaster it has been!

I still can't believe it, as I type these words, that my business has grown beyond my wildest dreams.

There are many people that I'd like to thank who have been my village to bring this baby up!

My one and only sister, Anna.

The first one to believe in me. Her wild imagination and faith in me gave me the opportunity to muse over the fact that I could expand Posie further, offering the "Posie" experience more of a national coverage.

My Mum, also known as Rory's Baba (Nanna)

Her no nonsense approach to my plan - "of course you can do it!" Gave me the drive to trust in myself and start making the idea a reality.

My Dad, also known as Rory's Grandad

My sounding board, my guide, giving me answers to the many, many, things that I couldn't figure out!!

Willie, my partner

For putting up with a LOT! He has sat through endless possibilities, many versions of my business plan, me basically being a very anxious & stressed girl to live with!

Rory, my baby

My Sun, moon & stars. Basically this tiny human is my everything and gives my life a purpose. When he grows up I want him to know that he can do whatever he wants to in life and that I'll always be there to support him.

Nanna Olwyn & Grandad Tomas, My amazing in-laws

As you're aware, I'm a blow in! Born in England, I met my gorgeous partner, Willie whilst working in Australia. His family have adopted me as their own, I'm their 4th child! They go above and beyond for me as they know I don't have my own family local to me (my Dad is in beautiful Mayo, about a 3 hour drive from me) so having this extended family is a big comfort for me. They gave me my first room to start this company 6 years ago. How time flies!

Theresa from Smart Marketing LTD

She has been guiding me, pushing me, and given me the confidence to push this goal and make it a reality. For hours Theresa would listen to my plan, answer my daft questions, and guide me massively on all aspects business, marketing and the odd dilemma! She is like a little fairy godmother, from the moment we first chatted I knew she would have my back.

Bernie from Limerick's Local Enterprise Office

Bernie is always hooking me up with many courses, and has been a true gem and matching me up with courses to help me progress Posie. The courses that the LEO offer are amazing, and they really had my best interests and heart.

Jane from Paul Partnership

Another amazing match-maker in business heaven! The courses I was able to be part of really elevated my business skills.

I have had to go through a lot of learning curves but luckily with the support I was able to get it was a walk in the park. Or more realistically a guided trek...!

Fallon, The Virtual Support Hub

Day to day tasks that can be hard to keep on top of, Fallon took care of it all! It gave me the headspace to focus on the expansion!

Microfinance Ireland

The team at Microfinance were so lovely to deal with. I am still in shock that I was told my business plan was one of the more thorough they had seen! I think it was about 22 pages and covered each possible angle of the expansion! If I was to do anything, I like to do it right, so to hear those words really meant the world!

More importantly, Microfinance Ireland saw my opportunity, trusted in me and invested in the expansion! For that I am so thankful!

Snap Ireland

The team at Limerick Snap Printing were amazing to deal with, they saw my vision and their attention to detail were second to none! The design of the studio is just beautiful beyond my imagination!!

Barker Photographic

The guys at Barker really know their stuff and they are always a pleasure to deal with! Paddy kitted me out with the best equipment and ensured everything ran smoothly for it.

Kaspars from Black Diamond Photography

Kaspars has provided me with the most gorgeous images to showcase what the Posie Pop Up is truly about! I can't wait to share these images with you. Kaspars is always pleasure to deal with and I can't thank him enough!

My Team at my Newcastle West Studio

Oh how I love to say that! My main photography studio is home to the lovely Sarah, Lisa & Caitlin. Also known dearly as a crazy bunch of weirdos. I took on the most amazing bunch of talented staff and I don't know what I would do without them!

Bringing me on nicely to...

The latest addition to the Posie Team; Eibhlin, our Pop up studio manager, plus Dorina & Ciara, making the amazing team that will travel across Ireland bringing the Posie experience to a shopping centre near you!!

My clients, past, present & future!

You guys! Thank you all for your support over the past 6 years. From those who visited me at my first studio back at my partners parents house, to those who continually update their portraits at my studio in Newcastle West, those that have liked & shared my posts and told others about the expansion! Those that see my stories and check in with me personally, those that have my back and clap me on further, thank you, thank you, a thousand thank yous.

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